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Our Logo and Motto

Our Logo

There are a lot of trees in Gingins; it's a lovely green Swiss village.

Though there's not so many Oak trees - there are a lot of Lime trees - we chose the Oak for our logo because Oak trees represent strength and endurance and we think that this is a good symbol for our kids.

The green represents the colour of the Oak leaves during the summer and the gold at the top represents the autumn colour.

Our Motto: We play as a Team!

We think that cricket is a marvellous game; it teaches kids all sorts of skills beyond being good with a bat and a ball.

The most important one of these - we think - is team work and we constantly stress to the kids that at Gingins, we play as a team.

We celebrate great individual performances as well of course but our key focus is on getting everyone together to play as a team; winning as a team, losing as a team, respecting opposition, umpires and coaches but most importantly each other - as a team.